AustPAR Terms of Reference
Aims of the Group
- To provide opportunity for networking between physiotherapists working in the area of amputee rehabilitation
- To provide an avenue for disseminating information relevant to the treatment of amputee patients
- To identify areas for research and quality improvement
- To share information about research and quality improvement
- To develop resources for use in the area of amputee rehabilitation
Members of the Group
- Any physiotherapist with an active interest in the rehabilitation of the amputee patient
- Members of any other Health Profession with a similar interest in amputee rehabilitation
Structure of the Group
- Chairperson - this individual is responsible for the maintenance of the database and is a resource person for meeting organisers.
- Meeting organiser/s - at each meeting, the Chairperson must delegate the task of organising the following meeting to an individual or group. This group is then responsible for the content and running of that meeting.
Meeting Format
- Each meeting should have a chief organiser to run the day. Delegates can be appointed by the organiser as appropriate.
- Each meeting should have a minute taker.
- The content of each meeting should include some/all of the following:
- Presentation of current literature
- Presentation of QA projects or research
- Reports about relevant courses & conferences members have attended
- A review of the contact list
- A review of available/potential resources - sharing protocols
- Case studies
- Practical sessions
- Presentations by relevent guest speakers
- Sharing information related to changes affecting physiotherapy practices
- Invitation to other professional or government bodies to attend for participation in discussions & updates of relevant activities & policies