AustPAR Disclaimer
The information on this site is provided in good faith by members of the Australian Physiotherapists in Amputee Rehabilitation (AustPAR) Special Interest Group, the NSW Physiotherapists in Amputee Rehabilitation (NSWPAR) Special Interest Group, and other health professionals including Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Prosthetists, Medical Practitioners, Podiatrists, and Nursing staff. The information has been compiled from many sources, including published literature, discussions with colleagues, best practice guidelines and recommendations, technical journals, and personal experience. The information was provided on a purely voluntary basis without financial recompense. AustPAR has received no financial payments nor incentives to post information on products, services, or techniques described on the contents of this site or other publications produced by AustPAR or NSWPAR.

AustPAR takes no responsibility for injury or damages caused through following the information or techniques described on this site, or purchase of products that are found to be unsuitable. Rehabilitation of amputees is a very individualised process, and the presence of information or images related to specific products, techniques or services in no way implies that these are the best suited for an individual amputee. Each amputee's physical, social, and mental status should be assessed carefully and the rehabilitation program developed in response to the results of that assessment. The information, techniques, and products described on this site should not be assumed to be the most appropriate for individual amputees, without a full assessment and recommendation from a suitably qualified and experienced health professional.
Having got that out of the way, we hope you have enjoyed browsing through our site, and have found the information informative and useful! If you want to contribute, we'd be happy to hear from you!