Amputee Gait Training

Amputee Gait Training is not an easy subject to summarise. As discusses on other pages within this site, gait can be affected by many things, including the level of amputation, cause of amputation, previous mobility levels or co-morbidities, pain, cognition, fear, prosthetic fit and alignment, type of prosthetic components. The list goes on.

Instead of trying to summarise such a large topic, we will list the basic principles by which a gait training program is formulated, but then, even this list may not be fully comprehensive due to individual differences. To formulate a gait training program, the steps would include:

  • A thorough history and physical examination.
  • Prosthetic checkout, to ascertain the fit and functionality of the prosthesis.
  • Comprehensive gait analysis, determining current functional ability and required aids / assistance.
  • Sound clinical reasoning over the causes of any gait deviations or limitations.
  • Formulation and negotiation of patient goals. The goals should follow the SMART principles: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.
  • A targeted implementation plan, specifically aiming at identified problems, whether they be weakness, contractures or joint stiffness, pain, endurance, balance, confidence, etc. The program should be functional and task specific, include part-practice of specific gait components as well as full task practice.
  • Progression to more advanced activities / goals as the amputee achieves their defined goals and milestones.

Any gait training program is only a portion of the comprehensive multidisciplinary team effort. Close liaison with other team members is necessary to assist in managing other issues, such as pain, prosthetic fit, social and psychological issues, environmental issues.

The presentations and documents listed have been provided by our group members, to assist in describing gait training more specifically. The pages on the menu to the left also contain valuable information that can be applied to gait training programs. You could also visit our picture gallery, to view photos of the practical demonstration of a Hip and Core Training session, held at Port Kembla Hospital in 2009.

Also be sure to check out, an awesome web-based tool which enables physiotherapists to use their PCs or any mobile device to prescribe exercises. See the links within Documents   Presentations for information and benefits on this site, and the incredible amount of time and effort spent to develop, enhance, and maintain this fantastic tool.

Össur Prosthetic Webinars

Throughout the year, Össur Academy hosts live online webinars, covering a range of topics. See their website for full details and registration information about upcoming webinars.
The same page has links to many previous webinars particularly relevant to Physiotherapists, and include videos and presentations from the Webinar:

  • December 2016 Webinar: Optimising Running Performance, by Brett Jones, athletic coach
  • August 2016 Webinar: Optimising Outcomes with RHEO KNEE, by Cathy Howells, Physiotherapist
  • July 2016 Webinar: Optimising Outcomes using Flex-Foot, by Cathy Howells, Physiotherapist
  • April 2016 Webinar: Optimising Outcomes by Looking Above the Leg- Focussing on Lateral Pelvic Shift, by Cathy Howells, Physiotherapist
  • February 2016 Webinar: Optimising Outcomes for All Amputees, content from the inaugural Mobility Clinic
  • November 2015 Webinar: Optimising Prosthetic Outcomes, by Cathy Howells, Physiotherapist
  • July 2015 Webinar: Optimising Outcomes for Low to Moderately Active Amputees with Cathy Howells

Other Resources

YouTube Rheo Knee Gait Training Videos, with Bob Gailey: