Administration & Protocols - Guidelines & Standards

Service Development

Amputee Care Standards: the Nepean Hospital Experience

2019, A discussion of Nepean Hospital's experience with the ACI standards for Amputee Care Amputee Care Standards: The Nepean Experience

Amputee Service Assessment Guidelines

In 2008, NSWPAR developed some guidelines by which a hospital's Amputee Clinic and Physiotherapy service could assess the scope and quality of their service provision. The guidelines were based on the NSW Department of Health Policy Standards, and also made use of BACPAR guidelines.

Amputee Service Guidelines

Care of the Person following Amputation - Minimum Care Standards, an update on the progress of this document by Lina Goh, Physiotherapist, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, 28 April 2017.

Amputee Service Guidelines produced by the US Deptartment of Veteran Affairs / Department of Defense. This document descibes in detail the best practice guidelines for amputee care. The PDF document can be found at Email if you have trouble locating the document.

Journey Through Rehabilitation: Development of an amputee community based rehabilitation service in Adelaide

Presentation by Josephine Wong to the Australian College of Health Service Executives, 2009.

NSW Prosthetic Limb Service

Formerly the NSW Artificial Limb Service

NSW Ministry of Health

In 2011, the NSW Department of Health changed its name to the Ministry of Health

Policy Directive - Amputee Care Standards in NSW, 2008

Amputee Care Standards in New South Wales has been developed to assist clinicians in the management of people who have experienced amputation of limb deficiency. The Policy provides direction for care from pre-operative through to long-term community care.
Amputee Care Standards in NSW.

Guideline - Amputee Care - The Use of Post-Operative Rigid Dressings for Trans-Tibial Amputees, 2008

The Guideline on the use of post-operative rigid dressings for trans-tibial amputees has been developed to advise the use of rigid dressings immediately post-operatively (within 20 minutes of completing surgery) in patients who have undergone a trans-tibial amputation.
Post-Operative Rigid Dressings for Trans-Tibial Amputees.

Other Government Bodies

NSW Roads & Traffic Authority.

Vehicles Modified for People with Disabilities, 2007
or see for the latest versions.

Information was passed to AustPAR, regarding information about amputees driving:

  • Left lower limb amputees can drive automatic cars with no modifications. The RTA will endorse their license to reflect their ability to drive automatic cars only. If they wish to drive manual cars they may have to sit a disability driving test with the RTA.
  • Right lower limb amputees and upper limb amputees definitely require a disability driving test with the RTA as they will require a car with some sort of modification. The RTA recommends that these clients contact a suitably trained OT to advise on modifications required and any driving practice necessary prior to applying for their disability driving test.
  • In all cases, the client must seek a medical form from their GP/specialist to provide to the RTA.

Clients should speak to their doctor or OT for further information.